The most common birds in parks and gardens in and around Buenos Aires.
Abundant. It is seen in open areas, parks, fields and gardens of the suburbs, and various natural environments such as forests, etc.
She is seen on the ground, on poles and tree branches. Sing to pair. Build this amazing nest of mud.
It is the national bird of Argentina.
Abundant. It is seen in all types of environments: squares, parks, forests, gardens, and all kinds of natural environments in the country, from Tierra del Fuego to the northern end.
It even abundant in the heart of Patagonia. Spring Sing.
Presents a regional variation of plumage: for example in the Patagonian race face is completely gray, black lines.
Abundant in wooded and humid environments. Walk céspedas and hopping gardens, feeding on worms.
This is the insistent singing thrush that wakes us with his singing at 3 in the morning in early spring.
Dove is a very abundant, found in parks, gardens etc. Inhabits most of the country.
The Torcaza belongs to one of the 289 species of birds that inhabit the world. There are some very different colors and sizes ranging from slightly larger than a canary to those that reach a gamecock. The Argentina Torcaza habits are similar to the rest of her sisters and all species are monogamous, meaning that essentially choosing a partner for good.
Present in parks and gardens in the city and suburbs, is distinguished by its long tail and sharp clear eyebrow. Possessing an imposing character.
It feeds on insects and larvae, such as beetles, wasps and crickets. Also feed on earthworms and plant foods such as fruits, often taking advantage of it are fallen on the ground.
Ratona comùn.
Present in gardens and squares with shrubs that will serve as a good hiding place.
It is quite confident and inhabits most of the country. Very active and lively, constantly moving from one place to another in search of food, travels every place possible, leaving nothing for review. Vocalizes all the time. Solitary or in pairs.
Also present in gardens and squares. Foraging is opportunistic and is quite bold. It is known as "ugly bug" for her singing.
The benteveo, Kiskadees, bichofeo, common Kiskadees, cristofué, yellow chest, right kiskadee, quitupí, pitogüé, comechile or chuchafría (Pitangus sulphuratus) is an American passerine bird of the family of the tyrant. The male and female are very similar and share the task of building the nest, they do with many different materials and looks messy. His prolonged shriek and gives rise to the common name onomatopoeic carrying and varies in different regions inhabited.
Sometimes abundant. The male has a purple sheen, but the female is brown. Do not build a nest but the female deposits her eggs in other birds' nests, that is, from other species.
After hatching from the egg (which occurs before the other eggs from the nest) adoptive parents end up raising the intruder without noticing the differences - sometimes quite remarkable - in size, color, etc..
This type of farming is called "parasitism" and obviously impair the reproduction of the species parasitized.
Tordo mùsico.
By the way, we go with another thrush. Appears in flocks medium and nice chorus announces musical whistles, combined with short notes and rough. He looks pretty in gardens and parks.
It nests usually in abandoned nests of espineros, Woodlanders, bakers and hollow trees. Inside overlying soft materials such as straws, bristles and some feathers. Put 4 eggs creamy or greenish with dark spots. This species is parasitized by other thrushes, especially for the short peak. Incubation lasts about 13 days and the permanence of the chicks in the nest is about 14 days. Often more than two individuals attending a nest, have cooperative. Reproduction has been little studied.
If we look up see that is abundant, but not every year. Here we introduce a new concept of migration. This swallow only seen in Buenos Aires in spring and summer.
In March away, flying a little further north in search of warmer climates. In the south of Entre Rios can be seen throughout the year so that migration should not be so long. But Buenos Aires is visited by other especes swallow, with different habits of life, while some of them are present here only in winter.
He looks lonely on the short grass squares and parks. Corriditas ago to "lift" moths and other insects, which it feeds. It looks something Benteveo - we already know - and in fact is a very close relative.
In the field is seen at the foot of horses and cattle, taking advantage of the animal scares insects while grazing. And often lands on its back, where better seen any threats. In the north is seen perched on capybaras.
It is migratory, and more long-term than the White-rumped Swallow. It seems the Cattle Tyrant and Benteveo, but is less well known, partly because this asuente half the year.
In addition, lands on top of trees where not as visible, despite a size: Benteveo somewhat higher than with longer tail and slightly forked. He betrays his sharp voice, rapid and short trill that says "Suiriri".
Cabecita negra comùn.
Sometimes in bandaditas, only the male has that unmistakable black cap.
They are somewhat surly, perhaps because they have been deceived, falling into the trapper that intended to spend the rest of his days locked in a cage.
Before it was more abundant in the city, but has been moved strongly by Sparrow - a case of impact of an exotic species on a native.
Unfortunately also wanted to cage, and to be "extracted" from wildlife leaves an empty space, and little by little they are reducing populations.
It is one of many species that approaches the nest to nest baker, evicting the couple who built it and the settling them.
Very abundant in fields and open areas. Often couples. Nest on the ground.
Approaching each nest, the wombs scream and dropped from the air, or move away and simulate a broken wing to distract and alienate those who threaten their future chicks.
If we have the possibility of observing a uterus up close and in good light that has a colorful discover unsuspected.
Fly in formation "V" and are sometimes seen with other gull species, such as Cook.
Something ferocious aspect, this raptor is actually a submissive opportunistic, usually in search of carrion - although he knows obtain prey when no other food on hand. It is found throughout the country, and is sometimes large.
It is often chased by other birds, even much smaller - until hummingbirds! - To be away from their nesting territory. I saw one fly along the Avenida 9 de Julio, opposite the Teatro Colón, and - and all the birds mentioned here - is usually seen in the reserve Costanera Sur.
The "little brother" of Carancho, is also plentiful throughout the country, and is also scavenger.
Caranchos and are usually chimangos roadsides feeding on roadkill somewhere, or perched on fences and eucalyptus groves, light poles, etc.
This strange and colorful bug net cut of "punk" and a long tail, is a rather unusual cuckoo.
It is gregarious: live in small family groups and moved in a flock (though when are flying, often go one at a time).
A place where pirinchos is frequently located at the edge of the wall of the reserve Costanera Sur, where are the jobs broilers. Here await in bold attitude, hoping to take advantage of some choripán rest.
This gorgeous parrot is a native of this area, and has expanded greatly in the province of Buenos Aires because of the large amount of abroledas of Eucalyptus and other trees.
It is the world's only parrot that builds nest of sticks. It is a communal nest which has a separate entrance for couples face. There are other species of parrots in Buenos Aires, but they are all brought from the North of the country for the pet trade, and to escape. some have managed to settle.
Three species are NOT natives of Buenos Aires ... Are here ... but man brought in from other places - and now are abundant!
Species that belong to the original cast of a region are called "exotic" and can become "invasive". The sparrow is an exotic species.
Very abundant. Present in gardens and squares, balconies, roads, bridges, etc..
Also in port areas where grain is.
It is native to Eurasia and therefore also a kind exótca.
It is native to Eurasia, meaning that it is exotic, and given his record as colonizing elsewhere (notoramiente North America), it is certainly a kind "invasive". The introduction of exotic species of flora and fauna is one of the main causes of extinction of native species.
source: Argentina Live
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