What makes El Bolsón unique: A beautiful valley, calm, cozy and supportive.

Looking back, and evoking my childhood, I find this beautiful valley, calm, cozy, supportive, where we played without fear, we attended school, we met the neighbors, we enjoyed the simple things.

I will refer to the things I remember with the sharpness with which they marked.

The traditional Plaza Pagano, where the artisan exhibitions are held, today completely renovated.

First, wonderful parents who taught me to love and care for the chosen place to live.

An old wooden school, Nº 30, which will be one hundred years old this year, and some of those who were my teachers: Elvira de Guasco, Ema Prieto de Saldise, María Elena de Almeira, José Matías Otero, Francisco Camargo. But also the environment, the warehouses of "Don Casi", Korval and Ivanof, who because we were close to the school visited them to buy sweets.

Everything was harmonious in its growth. In summer or when the roads allowed, we received visits from family and friends who were amazed at the crystalline nature of our rivers and the majestic beauty.

Cerro Amigo is located 2 kilometers from the center of El Bolsón and can be accessed on foot or by car.

The traditional "Spanish Pilgrimages" organized by the Spanish Society were popular festivals that for several days were held in the fifth of Criado (where the Municipal Gymnasium and the Commercial School are now located).

The Spanish Society, like El Bolsón (1926) turns eighty-three years old and we are in the task of reorganizing it as a just tribute to so many Spaniards who gave it origin to keep their ties with Spain alive.

The Lebanese Society also met and maintained its traditions with lively festivals. The meetings at the Club "El Refugio" and "La Española" were a classic in El Bolsón. Also the Andean Piltrichitron Club and the ascent to the Refuge on foot.

The cherry blossom is an ephemeral spectacle and can be of different colors and shades.

The first means of transport with the difficulties of impassable roads, inclement weather bring to my mind names like Sarquetti, Del Agua, Tornero, Steiner, Granollers, Scasso and Diego González.

This is, roughly speaking, El Bolsón from before, the one that today turns eighty-three and has grown, almost, uncontrollably.

It is good to mention the work in those times of all its inhabitants, hospital, post office, Justice of the Peace, Police, Gendarmerie, schools, farmers, small ranchers and difficulties due to lack of communication and often isolation. And the formation of clubs, neighborhood councils and the institution worthy of praise such as Volunteer Firefighters.

El Bolsón is an Argentine city located in the Patagonian region, in the extreme southwest of the Río Negro province, and amidst a landscape of mountains, coniferous forests, rivers and lakes.

What would I like for El Bolsón?

· That it grows orderly. Let him recover his identity. That the norms of life that were the reason why so many people came in search of peace, tranquility, beauty and healthy life be respected and that they were enriching it commercially and culturally.

· That we can wake up again with the harmonious song of the birds and that we are not deafened by honking horns, drums, wild accelerations at dawn, music and noises that not everyone wants to hear.

· That its layout, its green spaces, its gabled roofs, its gardens, are not laden with garbage or turning into cement for comfort or weariness.

· Although the Artisan Fair is an indisputable attraction, with excellent artists, remember that before the fair there was a lifestyle that would be good to respect.

· I would like a more united people, working together for things of general interest, without politicizing each action or each project. beautiful valley, quiet, cozy and supportive.

The native peoples of Patagonia already knew and used the rose hip to hydrate the skin, heal wounds and treat various ailments.

Source: Steemit


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